Free Pattern – Union Star Quilt Block

By: Elaine Huff

Let’s sew together a 12″ Union Star Quilt Block today! This one looks a lot harder than it really is so let’s get started!

union star quilt block

Fabric Requirements for a 12" Finished Union Star Quilt Block:

  • Light/White: 24 – 2.5″ squares, 2 – 3″ squares, and 1 – 4.5″ square
  • Medium/Purple: 8 – 2.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles, and 2 – 3″ squares
  • Dark/Green: 4 – 2.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles, and 4 – 2.5″ squares

union star quilt block

Sewing Directions:

Flying Geese Units:

Step 1:

First you need to make four Flying Geese units using the 4 Dark/Green 2.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles and 8 of the Light/White 2.5" squares. You can find my no-trim method for perfect Flying Geese at

union star 1

Diagonal Stripe Unit:

Step 2:

Make 8 of these Diagonal Stripe units using 8 Medium/Purple 2.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles and 16 Light/White 2.5″ squares. Make sure that four have the stripe going one way and four have the stripe going the other way! This is basically half of a Snowball block and you can find my tutorial for that block here:

union star 2

Half-Square Triangle Unit:

Step 3:

Now you need to sew 4 Half-Square Triangle (HST) units using the 4 Light/White 3″ squares and the 4 Medium/Purple 3″ squares. Trim/square up the units to 2.5" square. You can find my tutorial for HSTs here:

union star 3

Sewing the Center Unit:

Step 4:

Lay out the 4 Half-Square Triangle units, the 4 Flying Geese units, and the 4.5″ White/Light square (center square) as shown below.

union star 4

Step 5:

Sew the units into three rows and …

union star 5

Step 6:

Press the seam allowances away from the Flying Geese units as shown in the picture below.

union star 6

Step 7:

Sew the three rows together and …

union star 7

Step 8:

You guessed it – press the seam allowances toward the center of the block.

union star 8

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Sewing the Outside Borders:

Step 9:

Match up two mirrored Diagonal Stripe units and sew together as shown in the picture below. 

union star 9

Press the seam allowance open as shown in the picture below. Repeat to make a total of four units.

union star 95

Step 10:

Sew two of these units to opposite sides of the center unit.

union star 10

Step 11:

And press the seam allowances toward the center of the block.

union star 11

Step 12:

Sew two Dark/Green 2.5″ squares to each end of one of the remaining joined Diagonal Stripe units as shown in the picture below. 

union star 12

Press the seam allowances toward the Dark/Green 2.5″ squares as shown in the picture below. Repeat to make a total of two units.

union star 135

Step 13:

Lay out the above units as shown in the picture below.

union star 12

Step 14:

Sew the units together – almost done!

union star 14

Step 15:

Press seam allowances toward the outside of the block as shown below. Trim/square up the block to 12.5″ if necessary. You are done!

union star 16

In Conclusion:

This pretty Union Star quilt block is simply made up of easy to sew units so it looks much harder than it really is. I hope you’ve enjoyed this block.

If you like this tutorial and want to see more, just click HERE to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free PDF quilt pattern called "Chained Weathervane".

Happy Quilting!
