How to Sew a Courthouse Steps Quilt Block

By: Elaine Huff

The Courthouse Steps quilt block is similar to sew as the Log Cabin block. It is a bit easier because you can add 2 strips to the block center before having to press and square up the block.

I have cut my strips at 2″ wide which will give me a finished block size of 10.5″ square. Here are the size strips you will need.

Fabric Requirements for a 10.5" Finished Courthouse Steps Quilt Block:

  • Yellow: 2 – 2″ squares, 2 – 5″ x 2″ strips, 2 – 8″ x 2″ strips
  • Black: 1 – 2″ square
  • Green: 2 – 5″ x 2″ rectangles
  • Blue: 2 – 8″ x 2″ rectangles
  • Black Print: 2 – 11″ x 2″ rectangles

Sewing Directions:

Step 1:

In the photo below you can see the layout of the strips and the center 3 squares have been sewn together. Press the seam allowances toward the outside of the block for all steps in the construction of this block.

courthouse steps 1

Step 2:

Sew the 2 green 5″ x 2″ rectangles to both of the long sides of the center unit. Press seam allowances.

courthouse steps 3

Step 3:

Continue sewing strips to the center unit in an alternating manner, pressing, and squaring up center unit if necessary.

courthouse steps 2

courthouse steps 4

courthouse steps 5

courthouse steps 6

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In Conclusion:

So it’s kind of important to get the layout right in the beginning. Here you can see that I messed up on the layout and got all the way through the block before realizing what I had done! LOL!

courthouse steps 7

You can keep adding strips until you get the size block you want. If I had continued with another round on this block it would finish at 12" - much easier to work with in a quilt! I hope you enjoy this Courthouse Steps quilt block!

If you like this tutorial and want to see more as they come out, simply click HERE to sign up for my newsletter and receive a free PDF quilt pattern called "Chained Weathervane".

Happy Quilting!
